Elly has been a Private Adoption Practitioner since 1989. She has helped hundreds of parents and children find each other and become families. Elly uses an easy-going, positive and informative approach to help individuals and couples to achieve their dream to become parents.
To become an adoptive parent in Ontario, you must be a resident. Adoptive parents can be a couple or a single person and come from various backgrounds, including different religions, ethnicities or sexual orientations.
There are four ways to adopt in Ontario. The first 3 ways require the prospective parents to become adoption ready. Step parent adoptions can be completed by applying directly to a Court in Ontario.
- Public adoption through a Children’s Aid society
- Private domestic adoption adopting a child through a private agency or liscence
- International adoption – adopt a child who lives outside Canada using an approved Licensed international adoption agency
- Step- parent adoption.
To become ‘adopt ready’ you must
- Complete PRIDE training (for more details
- Have a Homestudy completed by an approved Adoption Practitioner such as Elly Freund-Bell.
Adoptive Applicants
Adoptive Applicants are required to attend a mandatory educational program called Parent Resources for Information, Development and Education (PRIDE). This education is designed to prepare adoptive parents to meet the needs of adopted children. It is a 27 hour training unit and details of upcoming dates can be found at
The Homestudy Report (also called SAFE report) is required for all adoptions in Ontario. It is an assessment and document collection designed to prepare Adoptive Applicants for the adoption experience as well as ensure children are being placed in safe and appropriate homes. Applicants will be required to provide references, police checks and medicals as well as other supporting documentation.
Post adoption counselling helps parents build a strong and healthy attachment with their child. Adoptive parenting shares many of the same challenges as biological parenting. Adjusting to new responsibilities and relationship changes can be demanding.
Challenges Including:
- Post adoption blues
- Sleep problems
- Attachment related issues
- Talking to your child about adoption
- Dealing with birth parents
- Developmental concerns
- Adjustment issues
- Challenges as a multicultural family

Birth Parents
Birth Parents are required to contact a licensed adoption agency to begin the process of exploring adoption for their child. Agencies can be reached at